Post Natal Massage

I recently completed the abdominal sacral massage course and feel incredibly drawn to working with post natal women. Your body and emotions have been through a massive upheaval as you’ve journeyed through your pregnancy and are now adjusting to your new life in motherhood. The monumental effects that the last 9 months or so have had on your emotional and physical well being are huge. Nurturing yourself may be a bit off your radar but this gorgeous massage can play a vital role in allowing your body to heal. It helps to re-position and heal your womb, re-balance hormones, regulate your cycle, offers emotional support, helps with digestive issues, post natal depression, releases any emotional trauma, rids any non serving energy but mostly soothes and nurtures you.

Many cultures around the world have postpartum rituals and diets for health, healing and vitality. In India for example, both mother and baby are massaged and nurtured daily for at least 40 days after the birth. How lush does that sound? During postnatal massage you will be massaged thoroughly from head to toes to soothe and ground you and to deeply nourish your postnatal body facilitating the organs and connective tissue return to their pre-pregnancy condition. 

During pregnancy your uterus expands to accommodate the abundance of new life growing inside you and this causes other abdominal organs to shift their position. After the birth the uterus shrinks back to its original size and this can create more rearrangement of the organs in the abdominal cavity, bringing the whole of your body-mind system out of balance, during an already quite vulnerable time of adjustment. The uterus itself can change position after the birth, whether you had a Caesarean or vaginal birth. This can be the cause of postnatal prolapse, lower back pain, heavy bleeding (once your period comes back after or during breastfeeding), fatigue and so on. It is important that all the organs are in their optimal position to allow for your overall balance and well-being.

Some of the main benefits of postnatal massage are: 

•   Gives you some precious time to look after yourself and nurturing and emotional support to gain back your lost energy 

•   Promotes muscle healing and spinal alignment, important factors in returning your body to its pre-pregnancy state 

•   Relieves lower back, shoulders and neck pain from carrying and breastfeeding your baby  

•   Provides a deep state of relaxation 

•   Helps in reducing fluid retention and in weight loss by giving new tone to your  muscles

Appointments are available at Hands On Clinic in Braunton, North Devon or in the comfort of your own home. Go to the contact page to get in touch.

Chloe Pedlar