Awesome treatments I’ve had - Abdominal Sacral Massage

Where to start with this one? Girl stuff. I was having major issues with my periods. I’d had a copper IUD fitted about 5 years ago and my periods had slowly become unbearable. We are talking proper heavy bleeding, lasting nearly two weeks with severe cramping resulting in me basically becoming an anaemic zombie for at least 7 days every month. I spoke to Susan and she gave me a little treatment, unable to do the full abdominal part of the massage due to the coil as any deep work around my lady organs could have resulted in the IUD puncturing my womb! Don’t want that thanks! I eventually went to speak to the local family planning centre and the very lovely nurse there said I should probably have the coil removed, I agreed, had it taken out to let my body calm down a bit and sort out it’s natural rhythm. 


Cue almost weekely sessions with Susan. Not only was the massage absolutely lush, she has such an intuitive and calm way of working. Susan in my opinion is one of these magic therapists that just knows stuff about you. She has been fortunate enough to work with many healers from all around the world and really knows her stuff. It’s evident from her treatments. The massage itself involves some deeply relaxing work on your back, with an emphasis on the lumbar spinal region and around your sacrum, she then turns you over and works on your abdomen. This is serious stuff for all your internal organs, your liver, your kidneys, your entire digestive system (also know as your second brain) and for women all your reproductive organs. It puts you back in touch with yourself and soothes you entire body. And I’m pleased to say that my periods have settled down in to a somewhat normal and manageable fashion once more. 

I can’t recommend this massage enough to anyone suffering with any digestive issues for example constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, bloating and stomach cramps.

I also think it’s incredibly beneficial to all women regardless of their stage in life. Abdominal sacral massage is excellent for painful or irregular menstrual cycles and/or ovulation, bladder or yeast infections, miscarriages or difficult pregnancies, pre-menopause or menopause symptoms, fertility problems, PMS/depression prior to menstruation, ovarian and breast cysts, abnormal uterine bleeding, fibroids, migraines, sexual trauma, stress, witheld emotions, childhood traumas and maternal problems. 

I love this treatment so much that I am going to study it in July this year with Helen Rohlicek. 

For more on abdominal sacral massage click here for Susan

and here for Helen

Makai, massage with Chloe

Jennie Lewis