Mothering the Mother

Post natal massage sessions

50-90% of women will experience some level of the ‘baby blues’ after giving birth. For some it may just be a low couple of days or weeks but for others it can end up as full on post natal depression. It’s hardly surprising considering the mammoth task that is Pregnancy and child birth.

Massage at this time can offer the new mum a space for solitude and recuperation that she is searching for. It gives her some time to get her feet back on the ground, share her birth story, help her sift through any emotions and unburden any negative feelings or self doubt that are so common after childbirth. I think we need less “getting back to normal” and more “working out your new normal (with baby in tow)”. Most women are able to celebrate the birth of a healthy baby, but some can be left grieving too, there is the pain of a still born or fetal injury/death, there are also those who are grieving the loss of the experience they hoped for, the birthing and parenting expectations not being met, the whole pregnancy may have been unexpected or traumatic, there can be a lack of intimacy with their partner, loss of self identity, a loss of a former lifestyle, some women are in abusive relationships. There are also those women who may have chosen to terminate a pregnancy or had a miscarriage, they too will be experiencing grief and loss as well dealing with the physical pains and other post pregnancy symptoms.

Memories of your experience of pregnancy and childbirth will always be carried with you, they may be impacting on your daily life or cropping up now and again or coming up now that you are planning another pregnancy or all ready pregnant. Symptoms can include

.feeling anxious

.maintaining a constant state of alert – especially over your child

.feelings of anger

.feeling detached/numb/disconnected



.feeling low/depressed/sad

.panic attacks

.avoiding anything that is connected to the event, including talking

Trauma occurs when we have been pushed passed a threshold of tolerance and we get stuck in a state of survival – flight, fight or freeze.

Massage helps to soothe the sympathetic nervous system and engages the parasympathetic nervous system which calms, encourages relaxation and rest- on both a mental and physical level. According to trauma specialist Peter Levine PhD “trauma is a highly activated, incomplete biological response to threat, frozen in time.” Massage can help switch off the threat response in your body. I have literally been amazed by the effect Bodywork has had on the many women I have treated. It’s not always an easy journey and sometimes emotions come out on the table or a little while after but it’s a necessary part of your healing process, taking you back to you. It can be a way to help you recuperate and get ready for conception once again if this is what you wish for or just help you let go negative emotions that may be holding you back.

For more information on how massage can help you just get in touch via my contacts page.

Appointments are available in Braunton, Yarnscombe and the comfort of your own home.

Chloe Pedlar